The Hatch End Flower Arrangement Group is a group of flower arrangement enthusiasts who get together each month to share ideas and new techniques in flower arranging. We welcome both experienced arrangers and those new to flower arranging.
We meet every month (except August) on the second Wednesday at 7:30pm at Pinner Village Hall.
In addition to the informal chat and advice passed between us, each month we arrange for a demonstration at the meeting. The demonstrators chosen are from either National or Area level, and the designs arranged during the evening are raffled at the end.
There is always a comprehensive "sales" table at our meetings, where a wide selection of floral sundries can be purchased, at very advantageous prices. Light refreshments are available and you are welcome to join us for an interesting and informative evening with our very friendly group.
Full details of our meetings, demonstrators and contact information can be found on our website which is:
Alternatively, you can email us at:
Our group is affiliated to the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies.